When the Irish dad visits the other Spain

Brendan Boyle
8 min readOct 27, 2021
Corners of Santiago de Compostela

The only Spain he knew was the land of cheap and cheerful package holidays. Spain was the dead, dry air waiting to smack you in the face as you giddily disembarked the plane; it was the fluorescent strips lined with knick-knack shops and generic Molly Malone’s and Rovers Return bars.

For many, this is Spain: a guarantee of scorching sun and cheap alcohol— a release. An escape. Once you were able to manoeuvre your way through chaotic airports, screaming children, and boozed-up passengers acting like kids on a school tour, the resort would be your oyster. Freedom.

This was the only Spain that the father knew before making the long trek — trains, planes and automobiles — from Kerry to Santiago de Compostela (“San Diego” as he continues to call it).

The clash between his expectations and my reality was always going to be fascinating, and the prototypical Irish auld lad coming to the northwest corner of Spain didn’t disappoint.

The view of Santiago from Parque Alameda

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Brendan Boyle

Irish - living in Galicia. Write about Spain, its cities and culture; real people and places; current affairs. Supporter of real journalism.